David Miscavige: At the Helm of Scientology's Explosive Growth

"This Fort Harrison is and will always remain a landmark and home of all of Clearwater." |
March 14, 2009: More than 6,000 Scientologists from over 50 nations filled the streets and sidewalks at the 200 block of Fort Harrison Avenue to witness Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center, Mr. David Miscavige, officiate at the ribbon cutting of the Clearwater landmark—the new Fort Harrison.
“Her bones were good, her breeding impeccable and her choice of residence couldn’t have been more fitting: Clearwater, Florida,” began Mr. Miscavige as he addressed the crowd. “When she originally opened in 1926, they called her ‘the aristocrat of southern Florida hotels’ and described her as a ‘picturesque edifice’ known all up and down the coast, as the toast of this city and an ever-bustling hub of wedding receptions, fashion shows, bridge teas and Rotary Club functions.
“She additionally saw no inconsiderable parade of luminaries. In the ’60s and ’70s the Phillies used to stay here during spring training and Duke Ellington, Count Basie and Buddy Rich all performed in our ballroom.”>>
Labels: david miscavige, scientology
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