David Miscavige

Monday, June 28, 2010

David Miscavige inspiring unprecedented levels of community participation

According to the new video on the Scientology web site, Scientologists volunteered almost 5 million hours to their communities last year.

The driving force behind the humanitarian programs of the Church of Scientology is Mr. David Miscavige, who challenged every Scientologist to greatly increase his or her commitment to handling the ills that plague society. He issued this challenge in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks.

And Scientologists on five continents responded to the call, helping in drug prevention and rehabilitation, criminal reform, tutoring, disaster relief, human rights education programs and character building.

The Scientology site has a section on Mr. Miscavige and his accomplishments as the Church's ecclesiastical leader.

Who is David Miscavige? - A Biography

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Friday, June 18, 2010

David Miscavige: Building for the Future of the Scientology Religion

Mr. Miscavige is the driving force of a movement now spanning the globe with Ideal Churches of Scientology. He set the direction for the acquisition, design and planning of new Churches and, in consequence, the horizons of Scientology are filled with scores of new Churches in the making for the second decade of the century.

Since the launch of the Ideal Churches program in the early 2000s, 70 new buildings have been acquired in major population centers around the world. Church premises increased from 5.6 million square feet in 2004 to over 11.5 million by the end of the decade, with one million square feet of renovations completed in 2009 and another three-quarters of a million square feet under construction in Tel Aviv, Melbourne, Mexico City, Seattle and Pasadena.

Who is David Miscavige? - A Biography

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mr. David Miscavige--Expanding the Scientology Religion

Throughout his career, Mr. David Miscavige has tirelessly worked to expand and protect the religion. In the early 1980s, he authored the reorganization of the Church’s corporate and management structures, heralding a new era for the religion and years of sustained growth and stability. In 1993, he brought to a close the 40-year war between Scientology and the Internal Revenue Service. He has similarly taken a personal and very effective role in bringing peace and ending past disputes before courts and government agencies, both in the United States and overseas.

As the worldwide ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, a role he has held for over 20 years, the Church has experienced unprecedented expansion of the religion as a worldwide movement — reflected in more than 8,500 churches, missions and centers across 164 nations — due in no small part to his unflagging dedication to upholding the purity and integrity of L. Ron Hubbard’s legacy. In fact, under Mr. David Miscavige's guidance, the Church has doubled in size over the last five years and has expanded more than five times compared to the previous five decades combined.

Who is David Miscavige? - A Biography

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

David Miscavige Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center and Ecclesiastical Leader of the Scientology Religion

The Scientology website has a section on David Miscavige, which demonstrates how much he has done for the religion, and why he is so respected by Scientologists around the world.

David Miscavige is the ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion. From his position as Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center (RTC), Mr. Miscavige bears the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the standard and pure application of L. Ron Hubbard’s technologies of Dianetics and Scientology and for Keeping Scientology Working. In that capacity, Mr. Miscavige has redefined the term “religious leader” to fit the tasks necessary to direct a truly unique, contemporary religion—a religion born in the twentieth century, which has achieved an unprecedented level of expansion in the twenty-first century, including some 8,500 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups across 165 nations.>>

Who is David Miscavige? - A Biography

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Monday, June 14, 2010

David Miscavige Dedicated New Founding Church of Scientology Washington DC

As covered on the Scientology web site, "To meet the skyrocketing demand for Dianetics and Scientology services and social betterment programs throughout the world, and utilizing the technological advances of the 21st century, Mr. Miscavige launched the Ideal Org (short for “organization”) strategy to transform all Scientology Churches into Ideal Churches; for only with this strategy could Mr. Miscavige accomplish the goal L. Ron Hubbard set for Scientologists—to one day create Churches that were the physical embodiment of Scientology technology to help all beings attain spiritual freedom." >>

The photo above is from the new Founding Church of Scientology Washington DC, which held its grand opening in October 2009, officiated by Mr. David Miscavige and attended by thousands of Scientologists.

Who is David Miscavige? - A Biography

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Monday, June 07, 2010

David Miscavige Resources

Mr. David Miscavige is the Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center. Resources for Mr. David Miscavige are listed below.

Church of Scientology Grand Openings, Speeches by David Miscavige:

Tribute Speeches Delivered by Mr. David Miscavige

Other Presentations and Speeches given by Mr. David Miscavige

Mr. David Misavige on Human Rights

David Miscavige Resources in French:
(David Miscavige resources in other languages can be found here.)

The biography on Mr. David Miscavige is available in 16 languages:

Who is David Miscavige? - A Biography

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