Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mr. David Miscavige--Expanding the Scientology Religion

Throughout his career, Mr. David Miscavige has tirelessly worked to expand and protect the religion. In the early 1980s, he authored the reorganization of the Church’s corporate and management structures, heralding a new era for the religion and years of sustained growth and stability. In 1993, he brought to a close the 40-year war between Scientology and the Internal Revenue Service. He has similarly taken a personal and very effective role in bringing peace and ending past disputes before courts and government agencies, both in the United States and overseas.

As the worldwide ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, a role he has held for over 20 years, the Church has experienced unprecedented expansion of the religion as a worldwide movement — reflected in more than 8,500 churches, missions and centers across 164 nations — due in no small part to his unflagging dedication to upholding the purity and integrity of L. Ron Hubbard’s legacy. In fact, under Mr. David Miscavige's guidance, the Church has doubled in size over the last five years and has expanded more than five times compared to the previous five decades combined.

Who is David Miscavige? - A Biography

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